Travel Travel Travel


Arianna Bultsma, Editor in Chief

Some of the most unique experiences you can gain in life come from travel. Through travel, you experience life in a  new light. The knowledge you gain from traveling is something you can’t receive elsewhere. It’s like reading a book but in person. How travel opens your mind is essential for the personal growth that can come from traveling. There are many important reasons to travel and the benefits you gain from seeing the world. 

No one trip is the same and each trip might have a different effect on your life. Every place is different from others and the lessons they can teach you are very beneficial. You will learn and grow more when you explore more. Once you travel to one new place you are opening yourself to a new perspective on life. When I think of traveling and what you gain from it I think of my Auntie Erin. With her job, she travels the world and through that I see her become an intelligent person who always gives me the best advice. I believe by traveling you too can provide advice that can truly help your loved ones and anyone become the best version of themselves.

An article in 2018 showed a study found out almost half of Americans report feeling alone. Feeling lost within yourself is such a horrible feeling. Half the time to feel like your highest self you have to step out of your comfort zone. One article words it perfectly when saying “our feet learn how to form their paths and our heart begins to beat to a different rhythm”. Knowing your path in life is a great way to know who you indeed are. Seeing and experiencing new places and people allow you to learn more about yourself that you wouldn’t have known without traveling. 

I know money is something that can play a big part in why someone can’t or won’t travel. A quote from an unknown person that speaks to me about this topic is “Travel. Your money will return, your time won’t”. I know that might sound stupid but it is so true. If you can travel do it! Even if it might seem like you’ll be spending all your money there are many ways to earn it back even well traveling. The time you have that you won’t get back is so important to do good with it. 

You only have one life and nobody knows when your time on earth will end, so travel. See the world and all the things it can bring to your life. You never know who you will meet or what you will learn about yourself when you go somewhere new. It’s a beautiful world, make sure you see it.