Dogs Get Diabetes Too

December 18, 2017
The type of diabetes dogs get is a very complicated disease caused by the lack of hormone insulin or even an inadequate response to insulin itself- much like humans, but not at all the same. Like humans, after a dog is done eating, his or her body breaks down into various components including Glucose which gets carried into cells by insulin. A dog who cannot produce or utilize insulin normally has elevated blood sugar levels(unlike humans who’s blood sugar lowers), but if left untreated can leave a dog with many health issues.
Of course like many diseases some are more prone to it than others. Obese dogs aka little fatties who I love dearly and female dogs run a higher risk of developing diabetes later on in life 8-9 years. Some breeds may also run a great risk including Australian terriers, standard and miniature schnauzers, dachshunds, poodles, keeshonds and Samoyed. Juvenile Diabetes is also more prevalent in Golden Retriever. One in 380 dogs are affected by diabetes yet a majority of them go on to live long healthy live.
Some of the symptoms provided by Web Md are a change in appetite, excessive water consumption, weight loss, unusually sweet smelling breath (weird right?), vomiting, and cataracts start to form. Now don’t let these alarm you because some dog typically need a lot of water if they are running around and living a joyous dog life. They also can form cataracts from old age and not diabetes, so once again do not be alarmed.
One in 380 dogs are affected by diabetes compared to o.5%-2% of cats being affected. Keep you’re furry friends safe and healthy.