Bikini-Clad Blimp of London Mayor Sadiq Khan

Lizeth Ramirez, Staff Writer

The Criticism on Mayor Khan

A bikini-clad blimp of Mayor Sadiq Khan flew over Central London on the morning of September 1st. The bikini blimp was used as a response to the Donald Trump baby balloon that Mayor Sadiq Khan permitted in July. The 29 foot long balloon flying over London on the 1st portrayed Mayor Sadiq Khan in a yellow bikini.

More than 3,000 supporters raised about $75,000 to have the balloon fly over Central London. This was justified as free speech and was a response to the body-shaming advertisements that Khan recently banned. The Protein World’s ad campaign focused around the question “Are you beach ready?” and touted a weight-loss remedy. Khan deemed these ads unacceptable as it promoted, according to Kayleigh Lewis, a journalist from Independent “unrealistic body expectations”.

The supporters raised twice the amount of money raised for Trump’s “Baby Balloon” in July. If any money remains, it will most likely be used towards removing Mayor Sadiq Khan from office, and for defending free speech which, in their eyes, is constantly under attack.

Yanny Bruere started a campaign called Make London Safe Again (#MakeLondonSafeAgain), where he emphasizes that people in London don’t feel safe and that the crimes in London have escalated. Since Sadiq Khan became mayor, there have been 81 murders this year alone.

The Fight for Free Speech

Mayor Khan allowed the Trump balloon to fly in an attempt to demonstrate that there is continued support for the freedom of speech, as long as the form of protest remains peaceful. Mayor Sadiq Khan stated “if he comes to London, President Trump will experience an open and diverse city that has always chosen unity over diversity and hope over fear. He will also know and see that Londoners hold their value of freedom of speech very dear”.

Mayor Sadiq Khan has also explained that “if people want to spend their Saturday looking at me in a yellow bikini, they’re welcome to do so”. He then lightheartedly added, “I don’t think yellow is my color though”.

Many are speaking about how these efforts appear to have no effect on Mayor Sadiq Khan.

Some Londoners are commenting that Sadiq Khan should be focusing on the crime increase and the numbers of murders, instead of focusing on insignificant stunts.

More than 700 people signed up on a Facebook event page that raised awareness on the event that would occur in Parliament Square, while 4,800 indicated that they were interested.

On Saturday morning, people were on Parliament square wearing shirts such as ”Get Khan Out” or Bruere’s campaign slogan ”Make London Safe Again”. People were chanting ”Higher, Higher, Higher” as the Sadiq Khan balloon rose into the air.

However, a multitude of Trump supporters were angry when Mayor Sadiq Khan allowed protesters to fly the blimp that looked like the president as an orange-skinned baby clutching a mobile phone.

The Trump baby blimp creators are claiming that the baby was designed to bring people together in opposition to a bigoted U.S. president. Comparatively, the Sadiq Khan balloon was created and supported by those who preach Trump’s divisive gospel. Stating they wanted to have a bit of fun and show solidarity, the Trump baby balloon was created to get away from politics and have a moment of amusement. Although the Khan blimp was more behind politics, it was similarly used to mock Mayor Khan.