Game of Thrones Prequel

Maria Rayn Villalpando, Staff Writer

Get ready nerds – the popular show Game of Thrones, which is awaiting its final season, is getting a prequel. The creator of the television series and the author of the series of books, George R.R. Martin, has confirmed the existence of an upcoming prequel. George R.R. Martin has revealed that the prequel will be called The Long Night, which makes sense considering it is supposed to take place about 8,000 years before the Game of Thrones timeline.

I am looking forward to the new show, as it will keep the series alive after the original show’s end. I personally wish that the prequel would go back in the series to when Lyanna Stark married Rhaegar Targaryen and the war that Robert Baratheon began. I would have loved to see that in a prequel, and I believe other fans would have too. The audience only got to see those scenes in flashbacks, which made me want to see them even more. I anticipate that the timeline of the new series will be interesting, though.

Based on my Game of Thrones knowledge, 8,000 years ago, White Walkers and their army of Wights still roamed. This was before the Wall was built by Bran, the founder of House Stark, to keep them out. The White Walkers eventually became a myth. The Wall was built after the first long night, which explains the title of the new series, and it was built with help from the giants and the children of the forest. 8,000 years later, the Wall is used to keep out the Wildlings, as the people of Westeros believe that giants and White Walkers are just myth. Watching the people of Westeros work together would be a nice change. Game of Thrones has been war after war for the Iron Throne, so seeing things before all of that occurred will be amazing.

For any of you who do not know the story of The Long Night, it’s basically an origin story of the White Walkers. During the Age of Heroes, a shadow was cast across the world and winter was supreme. Before being known as White Walkers, they were referred to as Others. They fought with razor-thin swords of ice and raised the dead for their armies called Wights. When it was discovered that weapons made of Dragon Glass could kill them, the Others were pushed far back into the North. Bran constructed a wall made of solid ice and magic. A group of men called the Night’s Watch were assigned to guard the Wall against the threats on the other side.

Regarding the new show, I am wondering who the characters will be, as the show has announced Naomi Watts to star in The Long Night, but has not revealed a character name. They have only revealed that she will portray a socialite with a dark secret. They have also recently announced that Josh Whitehouse will play the lead character. HBO has not revealed any other actors for the series, but, considering the fact that Game of Thrones had many great actors, we can hope to see an ensemble of even more great actors.