“You” – Creepy or Not?

February 4, 2019
You, a new psychologically thrilling series on Netflix, has sparked ideas of whether or not the actions of the main character, Joe Goldberg, are creepy or not. Although it’s new to Netflix, it isn’t new to the world. The show first aired on Lifetime then was later brought in by Netflix and is now seeking a second season. It tells the story of how easy it is for people to find every little bit of information about you, just when they’re given your name, through social media. It shows our vulnerability of having access to what allows us to do things like this.
“Joe transforms himself from stalker to boyfriend while doing whatever it takes to eliminate all obstacles standing in his way — even if it means murder. Set in today’s 24/7 hyper-connected world, You explores how vulnerable we all are to stalking and manipulation online and in real life,” according to Netflix’s summary of the show. The show takes you into uncomfortable places as it tells the story of how Joe, a bookstore manager, obsesses over a woman, Guinevere Beck, after just one encounter at the bookstore. Although the story starts off on the romantic side, it later leads into the creepy side of Joe Goldberg. Joe uses social media and the internet to feed his addiction for her. He quickly becomes obsessed and doesn’t realize what he’s doing is wrong. He begins to analyze everything about her, which seems like a normal thing at first, which is why it may have you rooting for him in the start since some of his actions are misleading until you catch his drift. He seems innocent at first, but will later make you uncomfortable and think about how real it could be for someone to act as he has. They later make you wonder how Guinevere must feel when he’s around. There’s no way for her to feel safe without security and it is clear the creepiness outweighs the romance.