Reflections: “Look Within”

Reflections: "Look Within"

Ellise Huston, Staff Writer

Have you heard of the art competition called Reflections? Reflections is a national program hosted by PTA that allows students from kindergarten to 12th grade exhibit their artistic talent and ideas in relation to the chosen theme for that year. This year’s theme was “Look Within,” and several students attending our very own Santiago High School submitted art pieces into one of six categories: Dance Choreography, Film Production, Literature, Music Composition, Photography, and Visual Arts. Submissions are judged based on interpretation of the theme, technique, creativity, and originality. Students from Santiago that win first place in a category move on from the school competition to the district, and if they successfully win there, they have the opportunity to advance to state. There are six students that won on our campus who have moved onto district, and are currently awaiting their results. If any of the students make it all the way to the national level, the winners are announced in June 2020. 

This program gives students a chance to be heard and share their artistic talents. In a school that is very focused on academics and athletics, Reflections reminds us about the importance of arts in education and is a breath of fresh air for the many artists on campus who want to share their voices with the world.

This year’s competition deadline has already passed, but next year’s theme has been announced. The theme is “I Matter Because…” There is plenty of time to create an art piece that will move and inspire people. Applications are available in the front office. Be sure to congratulate the Sharks that participated!