Can money buy you happiness?
April 17, 2023
Money cannot buy happiness, right? It seems this is a rhetorical question, and if you answer it, the answer will be negative: you can’t buy it. But, researchers from Purdue University in the US claim that happiness can still be purchased – income level influences total life satisfaction. You cannot be happy if your needs are not being met in life. So, perhaps our “money does not make happiness” comes from the French expression L`argent ne fait pas le bonheur, literally translated as “money does not make happiness.” Research reveals that money spent on new experiences brings far more joy. The effect of retrospective pleasure operates – when memories of an event boost mood and level of contentment with life. The researchers also observe that those with more money are partly happy because they feel more in control of their life. The more money a person has, the more alternatives for determining how to live on.
Experts have known for a long time that there is a connection between poverty and mental illness: losing a job and having less money increases the risk of developing depression and anxiety disorders. It appears that chronic stress brought on by the increased future unpredictability is the reason why poverty is so hazardous to mental health. It makes the nervous system more sensitive: usual physiological reactions like elevated cortisol levels, blood pressure, and heart rate work even if there is no substantial threat, for example, because of a scuffle in line or the loss of a little sum. A person needs more time to recover the longer he is under stress. The body is in survival mode, in which there is no place for tranquility and enjoyment.
For teenagers, money doesn’t have a value as significant as it does for adults. They don’t pay taxes or bills and other expenses that adults take care of. For teenagers, when they get the money, they get happy because now they can buy anything they want. If you ask any teenager, they would say that money is important and it is the first thing they are going to talk about. People don’t think about love and marriage in the future. Most of them thinking how to become rich and have money. It is not surprising at all. In our world, you need money to survive. You can’t go to college without money or get an apartment or live a good life. Money is the most important thing in the world if you think about it. Money can buy you happiness, and it is not a secret.
In conclusion, everything depends on money. If you don’t have enough money in your life, you will be sad and miserable. You cannot live in this world without money. Money defines who you are and what type of person you are. Maybe it is wrong to love money that much, but how can you not too? Would people prefer to have money and everything else or another way around?