As females, the bar others set for us is never equivalent to the one for males. As females, we are underestimated, and people expect us to fail. We are never likely to achieve more than males; females are not expected to do great things. I have been fortunate enough to interview a fantastic role model who happens to be breaking significant barriers within male sports. I asked Daniela Rodriguez, digital content specialist for the Portland Trailblazers and 2023 fan engagement nominee, a series of questions funneling from her own experiences about her life.
The first question was, “Have you ever faced adversity regarding gender in your workplace?”
Daniela responded, “Absolutely! The crazy thing is that I faced struggles because of the other women. Since the field is male-dominated and it’s hard for women to break through, they tend to foster this gate-keeping toxic approach to allowing other women into the space.”
My following question was, “What was your path like leading up to the profession you have right now?”
Daniela shared that her “path has been far from the traditional route you are beginning to see. I attended fashion school with the hope of pursuing the retail field. I couldn’t see myself being happy in this field long-term, so I went back to the drawing board and had to look at what made me happy and what I was passionate about. I love football, so I pursued it! This change is a reminder to take risks, start over when necessary, and always prioritize yourself.”
Next, I asked her, “What is a typical day in your life like?”
I learned more about her when she told me that her everyday routine “starts with a long scroll on my Twitter timeline. It’s important to stay updated with trends, news, and memes. I usually have a meeting or two in the day and an impromptu meeting with my team to discuss whatever random idea comes to mind that we would like to execute. Much planning goes into our day: media plays, game days, things we want to change or do differently for the upcoming season, etc.”
After becoming aware of her daily routine, I asked, “What is the difference between off-season and in-season at your work?”
Daniela informed me that “funny enough, there is no off-season when working in sports. Our players get an off-season to go home, vacation, or train. Social media never sleeps, so we are on an “always on” work schedule. The off-season is a bit slower because there are no games, but we work daily. We are either analyzing the previous season, planning for the next season, supporting other departments to amplify their work, or working collaboratively to change things for the upcoming season. In-season, on the other hand, moves at a much faster pace. Games are funneling in, our 2k league season begins, and we are working long days to prep and execute our content.”
My final question for her was, “Do you have any advice for the girls who might want to be in the same position as you?”
Her thoughtful response was, “The biggest advice I can give other girls looking to break through in the field is never to lose sight of the end goal. People will always try to stop your success, but remember that only you will limit yourself from those goals. You deserve a seat at the table! And when you make it through, always repay it to the women who were once in your position.”
Daniela Rodriguez is a woman who is fortunate enough to share her experience in the sports world. Hopefully, her story will reach those women who aspire to be great in this world. Remember, the sky is the limit, and never let the toxic standards that have been created tell you what you are capable of in this world. Dream big because women can be great, too.

Claudia Perez • Sep 25, 2023 at 8:40 pm
Great article, beautifully written!! So very proud of both of you and your contributions as women in the sports world.