Our world is filled with just as much hate as there is love. Our country preaches about how much freedom we are given, yet we still have limitations being held over our heads. I’m not sure if progress is the right word, but the state of our country has been refined, with much work needing to be done. The list of our country’s unresolved issues can go on forever. Nevertheless, a few will be discussed.
The Declaration of Independence quotes, “All men are created equal,” which has become a commonly used phrase regarding any form of adversity or discrimination in our country. Remember when I said our country had chipped away a few rough edges but never fully fixed issues? This quote is an example of that. Sure, the effort to demand change has been made, but will we all ever be equal? America has obtained an immense amount of toxic mindsets as well as hateful views of others. As a result, hate crimes, gun violence, mental health, and racism continue to roam the empty minds of those who are most submissive.
Sadly, many precious lives are taken, and people who were once present have now become only a memory. You see, a prevalent issue in America is mass shootings. Sadly, many are not comfortable enough to go to school, continue their daily jobs, or even go to the grocery store. These everyday acts become crippling and a significant worry in one’s mind because the continuous thought of whether or not we will make it back home safe and sound is being jeopardized. For example, on May 14, 2022, 19-year-old Payton Gendron killed ten people at a Tops Friendly Market in Buffalo, New York. This mass shooting was racially motivated; Gendron targeted these harmless individuals and acted out of hate. While in court, he expressed his regret regarding the event and admitted to the fact that he allowed hate to overpower his thoughts and later took over those innocent lives. Payton Gendron broke out in tears during the disheartening testimony of grieving families. Granted, we are humans with basic emotions, but how can you commit such evil acts and sit there mourning as if you lost those lives? You took them. Your premeditated actions took the initiative to kill these harmless individuals solely based on their skin color. Those families will never get to see their loved ones’ faces again, with only distinct memories overflowing their minds.

These issues here have been created within our country and remain engraved. These specific matters have lingered for decades despite not having a proper resolution. Our unresolved issues that seem to conquer citizens of what we call the “land of the free” have been created from within and have become a repetitive cycle. The ongoing question of when it will end ponders the minds of so many in our unethical country. Recently, as of December 6, 2023, a gunman entered the campus of UNLV, killing 3, leaving 1 in critical condition—another example of innocent lives being taken away in a flash.
Now, in some ways, our country seems to contradict itself. In all honesty, achieving equal opportunity has become more complex and challenging. Whether it is regarding gender or simply the color of our skin, the inability to fulfill equal opportunities has grown into another significant societal issue in America. For example, Meghan Rapinoe advocated for equal pay in Women’s soccer. Fortunately, she was able to beat the misogynistic standards and reach her goal.
On the other hand, for some, the writing is already written on the walls. The ceiling is placed lower than the rest. Why, you might ask; well, the color of our skin is why. An unwritten custom that has remained for years, also seen as racism, establishes the state of equality in this country. A double standard is among so many individuals in America, which goes back to the root of having equal opportunity.

Now, recognizing these significant issues is one thing, and advocating for change is another. Hopefully, the growth of our nation continues to improve on such matters rather than regress. And I do hope that these words allow you to find a fight in wanting change.