George Santos, a 35 former congress member for the New York republican party, was voted out of Congress on December 1, 2023. George Santos has made history by being the first person expelled from Congress without being convicted for a federal crime or supporting the confederacy. Santos has been through controversy for a long time, but it seems it has finally caught up to him. The votes on Friday morning were: Yea 311, Nay 114, present 2, Not voting 8. Shortly after the votes were announced, he left Congress. He is the sixth person to be expelled in the History of Representatives. Mostly all Democrats and more than 100 Republicans had voted to remove Geroge Santos; he will now be replaced in a special election, though the date to vote has not been set yet. After being expelled, he left some remarks to reporters stating, “I’m 35,” Santos said. “This doesn’t mean it is goodbye forever.”

Who Is George Santos
George Santos is a 35-year-old queer male who is the first queer member elected to Congress as a nonincumbent Republican. In Santos’s early career, he was president of United for Trump, a small New York state-based group supporting Donald Trump‘s reelection. Santos then ran with the Republican party for the United States House of Representatives in New York’s 3rd congressional district against a Democrat, Tom Suozzi, who launched his campaign in November 2019. Santos lost, though, despite that, local Republicans were pleasantly surprised with Santos’s performance in the race. Santos refused to believe his loss in 2020 and claimed that the votes were miscounted and manipulated. He then spoke at the “Stop the Steal” rally the day before the attack on the capital and claimed that his election had been stolen from him and Trump as well in his election against Biden. Shortly after his loss, he raised money with the help of fellow Republicans for Santos to run again, and he succeeded. In April of 2023, he announced he was seeking reelection for the next year, though shortly after a few allegations, he announced that he would not be running for relection.
What He’s Up To
Santos was recently charged with multiple charges, including Conspiracy, Wire Fraud, False Statements, Falsification of Records, Aggravated Identity Theft, and Credit Card Fraud. He is currently up to 22 years in federal prison; he has pleaded not guilty on all counts. Though he must go to trial soon, he is roaming free in New York. Prosecutors say he is also currently trying to negotiate a plea deal possibly. Everyone in the media is making jokes and memes about his recent Cameo (Cameo is a website where mostly celebrities get paid to film a video on what the person who pays tells them to say) that he created after Congress. You may currently purchase a Cameo for 500$ on his account. The media has been having a field day with his expulsion; for example, SNL has made multiple skits mimicking and joking about his situation. As well as famous talk show host Jimmy Kimmel. We shall now see where George Santos ends up.