The movie Anyone But You is a Rom-Com starring the actress Sydney Sweeny and actor Glen Powell. It premiered on December 22nd, 2023. The movie is about two people who meet at a coffee shop and go on a date together. The date ends badly, and they don’t talk for a few months, but then, Sydney’s character’s sister and Glen’s character’s friend end up getting engaged and getting married. They all go on a trip to Australia for the wedding, and Bea and Ben have to act like they like each other so that the wedding plans aren’t awkward. The family creates a plan to get them to enjoy each other again, but they become aware of that plan, so they have to act like they don’t know that the family is trying to get them together. Bea and Ben have ex-love interests who are on the trip and are also attempting to make them jealous to bring them back or show that they have moved on. Bea and Ben do extreme things in public while trying to prove their “love” for each other. Initially, it’s awkwardly touching each other and kissing every couple of minutes.
By the middle of the movie, they are reenacting the iconic Titanic scene on a yacht, but Bea falls off the boat into the ocean, and Ben jumps in to save her. They wait on a bouie until a helicopter comes to keep them. On the Bouie, they seemed to have caught feelings for each other since they were naming the things they liked about each other and apologizing for the night they met. They return to the house they’re staying at and spend time together.

The following day, Ben walks out on Bea because he’s unsure if they’re both ready for the commitment of the relationship. They end up being mad at each other again. Bea’s sister and Ben’s friend go to the extremes of faking an argument over Bea and Ben’s behavior so that Bea and Ben can settle their differences and act maturely around each other. Fast forward to the wedding, Bea is a Bridesmaid, and Ben is the Best Man. The reception ends, and everyone is dancing. A slow song comes on, and Ben’s ex approaches and starts dancing with him. She kisses him, but he pulls her off. This made Bea emotional, so she left the venue. She goes to where they got rescued at the Sydney Opera House. Ben notices and leaves the venue. He gets on a helicopter to see her to apologize and explain. She forgives him, and they finally get back together officially and return to the venue. The movie ends with their loved ones married and them happy together.