Most people dread even thinking about jogging for more than a minute. High schoolers are scared when their PE teacher says, “We are doing the mile test tomorrow on the track.” But those who enjoy running the mile test will complete it and, afterward, want to do another mile. Most will call those people crazy, but that’s the mentality of the cross-country runner. If this is you, consider joining the team. Initially, it might seem daunting to run a long distance without stopping and scaling tons of miles, but the only way to see if you are up for the challenge is to join Santiago Cross Country. Here’s how and why you should do just that.
Firstly, you sign up for the orientation held by our amazing coaches, Coach E, Coach T, Coach Jackie, and Coach Candice. Then, starting in June, summer base training begins. You are presented at the track with our amazing team, with roughly 75 to 85 athletes. It begins with baby steps for any runner, no matter how experienced you are. It starts with a simple 2 miles every day for beginners, and for those who are a little more skilled, they might run 4 or 5. As the days and weeks go, you run more miles every week than last. Add workouts and long runs that build your endurance while incorporating core workouts and strength training. This schedule is most likely intimidating to you because it’s complicated and physically vigorous. It isn’t, though; you’ll slowly get used to it. It’s like going up every grade in school; it slowly becomes harder, but you can tolerate it because you keep progressing. But what happens after all of this training?
Following base training is the start of in-season training, and the main reason you put your body through this is to race. There are eight races in total for most of the runners, but not all. Viola runs a few more for CIF, Clovis, and more. The races typically have huge lively atmospheres and lots of other schools, athletes, and plenty of competition. Food vendors, merch, beautiful courses, and many other great things are presented at meets. It usually lasts 3-5 hours or from morning to sunset, meaning a race always happens on the 3-mile or 5-kilometer course. The races are split into grade level, JV, Varsity, or Sweepstakes. Sweepstakes are for the most elite runners. These races hold memories for most runners who attend. Maybe even earning a souvenir like a medal or trophy. Some may ask, though, “What is the benefit of running all of these miles?

Running can mean something different to every person. One may say that it’s just another form of dreadful cardio. Some may say it’s a way to escape or to clear their mind because it does exactly that, according to science. Studies show that those who are deprived of jogging or running show increased anxiety compared to those who run frequently. Another thing it helps your body with is your overall internal health.
Along with strengthening the bones in your body, it helps maintain or lose body weight and improve overall cardiovascular fitness. According to a study by BYU, it also slows the aging process. It is a very rewarding sport; you may be hurting during the run, but afterward, you feel clear that you accomplished something amazing. Knowing that you did that hard run, receiving all of the benefits, and becoming faster makes it such a rewarding sport.
Our team will make you become a better version of yourself. Our supportive team is connected like a family. We also are a very strong team, we take first place in meets frequently. But at the end of the day, even if you still aren’t convinced, consider giving cross country a chance. We could always use an extra runner, maybe you could be our next fastest runner.