As the first semester ends for physics students of Santiago, teachers have decided to do an engaging final project: the“egg drop challenge.” Students were given materials to make the safest way to drop an egg from eight meters. Physics students have to find the best method to do so. They are welcome to bring materials from home; however, limitations exist. Limitations include cotton balls, any type of foam, over 1 oz of water, the teacher must be able to see the egg inside the device, etc. This is an enjoyable experience for students to incorporate physics into their final project, but at the same time, have fun with it.
Having this as their last project gives students a chance to relax. It allows them not to worry too much about one more final. While the egg drop might be the final, it’s still not as stressful as memorizing math formulas or vocabulary. Multiple students have something to say about the egg drop. I interviewed two students and one teacher here at Santiago High School. Grace Chavarria (11) stated, “It was better than the actual final, but the materials were a wee bit scarce with little variety.” This exemplifies how it was still a challenge, but it’s more exciting than a paper final. Mr. Rodriquez stated, “It teaches students to 1. Work in a team as seen in STEM fields, 2. Accomplish a goal, and 3. It ties all three units we’ve learned in the past semester into one project.” As a response to the question, “What made you decide to do the egg drop as the final project instead of a normal paper test?”
Just as Rodriguez stated, this project allows students to build teamwork skills. Having these skills is heavily important for the future regarding future jobs, projects, etc., so having the opportunity to do this is fulfilling. Here’s what Rafael Lopez has to say about it: “Here’s another insight from a student: “My materials are good, but they were challenging and very fun. I like eggs.” – Rafael Lopez (11). As you can see, students appear to have a more positive view of this final project, stating how it was challenging but still fun and better than a normal paper final.
Over this past semester, students have been learning all about the different attributes of force—momentum, impulse, acceleration, etc. Having the egg drop as the final project is a good way for teachers to tell what the students have learned throughout the semester. The egg drop requires all three units of knowledge for the students to successfully drop the egg without it breaking.
Overall, the egg drop final project is an exciting way for students to incorporate what they have learned through the past year. It allows students to experiment with what they potentially want to do in the future, unlocks any hidden interests, showcases their skills, and more. It allows students to build teamwork skills, accomplish challenging goals, succeed through hard work, and much more.