“The Maze Runner,” a thrilling dystopian sci-fi adventure, based on the first book of the trilogy written by James Dashner swept into theaters on September 19, 2014. As the story tells it, for the past three years the Gladers have lived their lives in the center of the maze, and every day a small group of runners go out to map the maze. Everything changes when a sixteen year old with no memory other than his name, Thomas (Dylan O’Brien) is sent into the Glade. Thomas then learns that the other 50 to 60 boys of the Glade have the same story. But it is soon shown that Thomas’s arrival may change everything. Now the Gladers must all make a choice; try to stay where they are, continue their lives as they have for the past three years, or take a life threatening risk with Thomas and his new partner in crime, Teresa (Kaya Scodelario), a risk that might just give them the answers they need.
As far as book adaptations go, this was not the best. There were certain key elements that were in the book, but missing from the movie. And when it comes to Thomas and Teresa’s relationship, both people who’ve read the book and those who haven’t can agree that more chemistry was expected between the two of them. Though there wasn’t as much chemistry as we’d hoped for, the overall casting was very good. Thomas’s interactions with the leader of the Gladers, Alby (Alm Ameen) the second in command, Newt (Thomas Brodie-Sangster), and Minho, leader of the runners (Ki Hong Lee) was excellent.
Though the fans of the book trilogy did not enjoy the movie as much as they had expected to, many moviegoers still seemed to enjoy it. The moviegoers say it was eerie, exciting, and intense. This movie is a must-see for those who enjoy futuristic and suspenseful films. The movie seems to be quite a hit considering it topped this past weekend’s box office at $32.5 million. An excellent movie with interesting plot twists, heart stopping chases, and thrilling adventure.