Turnitin.com is a website where students can turn in their finished class papers. This enables teachers to grade papers efficiently, and allows the students to receive more accurate feedback. It shows how the paper differentiates between all the other papers turned in, and whether or not it has been plagiarized. To use this website you must have an account with your teachers assignments listed on the account.
Some students who used this account found it easier due to the fact that everything is done electronically nowadays.
“It makes it easier for us because we’re so used to technology.” (Drew Schoening)
“It’s bringing us to the new age of technology, and it shows how much has changed. It’s not just simple pen and paper anymore.” (Naomi Ituah)
Some, however, found it unnecessary and tedious. Not all students have the luxury of computers to turn in the assignment through the website. Others simply just found it bothersome and would rather physically turn it in.
“I don’t mind it but I’d rather just turn in my typed up work. It gets annoying to turn it in on that website every time there’s a new writing assignment.” (Anonymous)
Despite what some students have to say, the teachers really seem to benefit from the website.
“It cuts my grading time in half.” (Ms. Drum)
“It’s really effective.” (Ms. Plebani)
“It’s a really good tool for peer editing.” (Ms. Shields)
Overall the website seems to be an effective way to give the students accurate feedback quickly. Though it has its negatives within the students, it makes grading much easier for the teachers.