As many of you know, there is a mural on display in between buildings E and F. What many of you don’t seem to realize is that the mural is unfinished. Recently, I sat down with our principal, Dr. Lewis and the artist, former Santiago student, Alexis-Maxwell Benavidez to inquire more on the matter.
This mural, according to Benavidez, started out as a project that she brought upon herself in order to make herself feel less small in this school overflowing with Sharks. She says she wanted to prove something to herself, that she could make something of herself at this school. She wanted to leave her mark on Santiago.
The actual mural itself wasn’t inspired by one particular contributing factor. Benavidez stated that she originally wanted to do a skyline type of art work, but administration denied the idea, saying it needed to be a theme fitting of Santiago. This is where the “under the sea/ passing over a coral reef” themed design came into play. The sketched out, but not officially painted on scuba divers were actually a last minute add on, suggested by a close friend.
Benavidez was unable to finish the mural during her final year of high school due to social, personal, and educational conflicts. Dr. Lewis understands this. He says he won’t let this mishap affect his future decision(s) when making the final approval regarding the next promising artist of Santiago.
“We are looking for anybody who would like to continue the mural or who would like to start a different mural,” said Dr. Lewis.
In a separate interview, Benavidez gave us her take on the possibility of another up-coming artist completing her artwork.
How do you feel about someone else finishing the mural on your behalf?
“It wouldn’t exactly make me feel good, I get why they’d have to pick someone to finish it, but… it’s like a child. You don’t want someone else teaching and raising your kid,” said Benavidez.
That’s understandable, but if you could pick one person at Santiago to finish your mural, who would it be and why?
“Arisa [Bunanan (12)]. Arisa is a great artist and I feel like she could contribute a lot to the mural itself.”
If you are looking to take this project on or thinking about starting a completely different mural, head to the Shark Shop with your idea(s). You’ll be asked to make a mock up, but for the most part, if it fits Santiago’s school theme and the school has room for it, you will most likely be approved. Remember Sharks, this is a big responsibility, so if you are thinking about taking a project like this on, make sure you are willing to put forth the time and effort this type of task requires. Don’t be afraid to express your creativity, Sharks!
UPDATE: As of September 1st, 2015, Santiago has found an artist, McKenna Cortez (former Santiago student), approved by ASB advisor, to complete the mural located in-between buildings E and F. Cortez originally contributed to the mural during the 2014-2015 school year, when she wanted to be to be more involved. Cortez and the original artist, Benavidez, began the mural together, but due to conflict between both girls, Cortez stepped down and let Benavidez take the lead. Cortez expresses her discontentment with the original design, although she does admit the painting started out as something strong and bold. Cortez also commented in her interview about how upset it made her when Sharks made negative comments about the art work like, “oh, that looks like a five year old drew it”, especially when she’s already put so many hours into her work. The fact that the painting has been up for less than a year and has already begun to be defaced by food and other marks is unacceptable and discouraging to the artist, Cortez admits. Remember Sharks, what you say and do can affect someone, sometimes for the worst. In the end, Santiago does have an artist willing to complete the unfinished mural with new ideas blooming as the days pass. Estimated time till completion of this project, as stated by Cortez, is approximately three months, but definitely no more than six. Keep your eyes open Sharks; we have a new artist in town!