United States and Russia Call For a Ceasefire in Syria After 5 Years of Civil War

Kaitlyn Glass, Shark Stories Editor

Monday, September 12, 2016 was the day every Syrian refugee across the world held their breath patiently as the United States and Russia called for a ceasefire.

For months, US Secretary of State, John Kerry, and his Russian equivalent, Sergey Lavrov, have been negotiating this deal. The latest agreement will not only stop the Syrian president’s air force from engaging in combat, even if enemy opposition reveals itself, but the ceasefire will allow humanitarians to have access to plagued cities. If their plan works for at least 7 days, both countries that called for the truce will start to discuss military tactics for pursuing former al Queda members and ISIS.

These terrorist groups are not participating in these ceasefire, only the Syrian president and his opposition’s armies. This ceasefire is expected to encourage armies across the world to team up to defeat those groups who are keeping everyone in constant fear.

It has been 7 days but the United States is not ready to bring in any military power.

This is not the only ceasefire that has been upheld in the last five years of the Syrian civil war; the problem is that those past attempts have all failed.