Why Trump and Hillary are unfit to be President

September 21, 2016
The outcome of the election this fall for president could mean the fate of the United States will be out of debt or we’ll cease to exist. Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton are the presidential nominees for office. People don’t like Trump for the things he’s said and people don’t like Hillary for the things she’s done. There are many things wrong with our nominees and both are equally terrible.
Donald Trump is the Republican Candidate for president. He is the most hated candidate in history for his racist remarks. Trump’s biggest problem is that he says the wrong things at the wrong time, for instance, he remarked that “when Mexico sends its people…they’re bringing drugs, they’re bringing crime, they’re rapists and some I assume are good people” (Business Insider. Hunter Walker). Although everyone who illegally comes across the border is a criminal because they are breaking our laws and Mexico has one of the biggest flow of illegal drugs into the United States, it doesn’t mean that all Mexicans are criminals and drug dealers and it shouldn’t have been said at all.
Trump is also hated for his sexist quotes like when he said, “There has to be some form of punishment” (The Telegraph. Claire Cohen) referring to women who have had abortions. Along with his mouth, people hate him for his policies. Along with his mouth, people hate him for his policy on the wall – which is what he wants to build around the border to keep threats to our country out.
Hillary Clinton is the Democratic candidate for president and another terrible person that should not be elected president. She is a criminal and should be imprisoned for all the horrible acts she’s committed. One of the many things she’s done is sending thousands of classified emails to people without the proper clearance from her private email a crime anyone else would be arrested for.
The worst thing she’s ever done is lied and tried to cover up the reason for the attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi Libya on September 11th, 2012. Hillary tried to blame the attack in Benghazi on an anti-Mohammed video made by a film-maker in California. The film did cause problems in the middle east for example in Cairo Egypt protesters climbed the walls of the U.S. embassy ripped down our flag and replaced it with the black Islamic flag. Hillary even sent an email to the prime minister saying “We know that the attack in Libya had nothing to do with the film. It was a planned attack, not a protest.” (Fox News. Eric Bolling). Then terrorist organization Ansar al-sharia was responsible for the attack. So from all the evidence it’s pretty clear they didn’t attack because of an anti-Mohammed movie they were there specifically to kill Americans.
Trump and Hillary are two of the worst presidential nominees we’ve ever had. Even though there’s good evidence supporting why neither should be elected and how they’ll be unreliable if they’re elected president it doesn’t matter because Trump supporters will vote for Trump and Hillary supporters will vote for Hillary – it’s just how people are.