Robotics Club

December 2, 2016
Clubs are a great way to be involved with the school and make new friends. Some clubs at Santiago High School are the Catholic Club, Gamers Guide, and Magic Club. There is one particular club at school students are unaware of- the Robotics Club. There are 20 members in this club including lower and upperclassmen. The Robotics Club meets on Mondays and Thursdays after school from five to seven. In this club, students are handed a small kit with supplies to build their own robot(s). Before students start building, they first think of a design and then use computers to make a visual copy of their thoughts, the program they use is Java.
The club members aren’t the only people hard at work, the president of the club puts in a lot of time and effort to ensure the clubs future success. The president is in charge of scheduling meetings and making sure others can cooperate well together.
There are many steps students have to follow before they are able to create their final masterpiece. Individuals first create a robot online, and then add design through manufacturing. After manufacturing, students finish their design through a 3D printing program. Parts are then ordered from the Composition Committee or Home Depot. After robots are created, members test out the machines on obstacles making sure they function properly. Finishing the robot takes about 6 weeks to complete and students face many problems. When there is a problem with one of the machines students have to stay after official club hours to try and resolve the issue. After knowing the robots work normally, the club participates in competitions which are usually held in January.
Unfortunately, competitions aren’t free and neither are their supplies. In order for individuals to compete, they sell candy and ask for donations. The club only has until November to collect money and usually gets donations from different corporations.
If you enjoy making creative works of art and mechanical masterpieces or simply have some free time, check out the Robotics Club!