Office Hours

December 2, 2016
At the beginning of the year there was some skepticism as to whether or not office hours was the greatest idea and best idea as far as time goes. But at the beginning of the year, however there was no way to truly be able to tell but now seeing as how more time has passed and we have been able to digest and experience Office Hours first hand we can make very well informed opinions on Office Hours.
To gather more information about the topic, I roamed Santiago and questioned students who shall remain nameless. As I questioned more and more students of Santiago the answer remained relatively consistent, Office Hours did not bother them one bit. Many replied with a response along the lines “In the beginning I was, of course, upset that I was forced to go but now its all good”. One interesting response was “It all depends on who you go to for Office Hours”. I believe that to some extent that is true but at the core of Office Hours its all the same. With more questioning, they reasoned that at first they thought it would be a hindrance to their own time to attend a mandatory Office Hours session but then they realized that even if they had no work to be done it could be an opportunity to just hang out and relax with some friends. They admitted that the initial thought of being required to attend a class annoyed them but then they realized that not many teachers sent out mandatory invitations. And although at first Office Hours was odd and different, to sophomores and above at least, they soon got used to it and began to expect it.
Overall students have more or less accepted Office Hours as a part of their weekly schedule. Students have realized that Office Hours is more than something that they have to go to, it’s an opportunity to have more time to focus on what they need help with. Although Office Hours is still a relatively new edition to Santiago policy, it has already helped many students and will continue to help future students.