Shark Story: Jessica Alcoser (9)
December 12, 2016
Behind the screams of the crowd and sweaty football players, there standing along the sidelines are the cheerleaders, with their projected cheers and clean cut routines, ready to lift the spirits of the viewers and lead out our fellow sharks to victory. As they are known for their pep and uniforms, no one truly understands the hard work and dedication these girls put into not only to their sport but to their academics as well. Luckily I go the chance to interview freshman JV flyer, Jessica Alcoser to shed some light on these girls work.
How long have you done cheer for?
“I have done cheer for almost three years, but began by doing gymnastics for nine years.”
Why did you transition from cheer to gymnastics?
“Well as I got older, I knew I wanted to do cheer since I grew out of gymnastics and had to learn the different cheers and stances that came with it.”
How difficult is it to keep up with cheer and your school work?
“Well having to keep up with class work is difficult, but with the additional four hours of practice during the week and the occasional weekend practice makes it harder to keep up with, but the work pays off in the end.”
Are you ready for competition season?
“Yes, I’m nervous, but knowing how much work we get done and all the effort we put into our routines, I know we will do good.”
When and where will the next competition be?
“It will be January 8th at CSU Long Beach Walter Pyramid for JAMZ.”