A Courageous Canine

March 3, 2017
In our Society, there are many people who own dogs, cats, horses, pigs, and goats. Dogs seem to be the most popular and in the United States, thirty to forty-seven percent of dogs are owned by Americans. Dogs reduce stress and they are very good companions for those who live alone. Some individuals are very loving and treat their pets with kindness, while others are cruel and abusive towards their pets. Animal abuse is when a person purposely neglects or tortures their pet.
Last month a brown rottweiler mix named Baron was found in the streets of Detroit Michigan and was beaten by his owner. The dog was rushed to the Humane Society in Michigan and surgeons performed an operation. Since Baron’s nose was torn off his face, doctors pieced together his muzzle by adding chunks of skin to the rest of his nose. Vets put in a lot of time and effort and took about two hours to patch up Baron. Bryden Stanley, a vet who performed on Baron joined a tiny piece of skin adjacent to his lip to make the nasal passage smaller. Additionally, vets had to remove most of Baron’s tail however they didn’t operate on his ears because of how quickly they healed. After Baron’s surgery, there have been more than 30 people wanting to rescue the dog. A doctor named Bilitzke, states “he’ll need time to recover from following the surgery before getting adopted.” Dr. Bryden Stanley, a surgeon who helped Baron specifically said: ”I think his muzzle looks quite good and it’ll be even better once his fur grows back”. Because Baron has suffered from abuse, people have been very generous and donated large amounts of money.
As of right now, the Michigan humane society has offered forty thousand dollars to arrest the person responsible. Animal abuse is unacceptable and we as a Society should do everything in our power to help out animals. If there is anyone who knows anything about this case please contact the Michigan Humane Society investigation number at (313)-872-3401.
Lauren Bulanek • Nov 3, 2017 at 1:12 pm
This article is incredible. Treatment towards certain breeds of dogs is often ignored. Many people blame the dog instead of the owner, seeing an article with a different point of view is refreshing.