Shark Story: Brooklyn Perez (9)

May 2, 2017
Santiago is a high school acknowledged with its many athletes and scholars, succeeding in all their endeavors. And yet with a school full of such talent, it would be a shame not to introduce freshman water polo player, Brooklyn Perez. As a first year player, Brooklyn gave insight on her experiences from the switch of schools to joining the team.
What made you want to try out for water polo?
“Water polo was something new and seemed fun. I thought it would be a good way to meet new people also.”
what position do you play?
“I play every position except goalie.”
What is your favorite aspect of this sport?
“Probably how it is competitive. It challenges you to be aggressive and get you outside of your comfort zone.”
How hard has it been to balance practice and school?
“It’s not hard at all. I still have time to come home and finish whatever homework I was assigned.”
What has been your favorite memory this past year with the team?
“Definitely our last tournament we had, just because we were really able to bond and share a lot of laughs!”