Is Another Government Shutdown Underway?

Is Another Government Shutdown Underway?

Linsey Becerra, Staff Writer

On Monday the 22nd, the first government shutdown occurred under Trump’s Presidency. Lasting for nearly three days before a new short-term spending bill was put into place, allowing the government to fund their operations and extend funding for the popular Children’s Health Insurance Program. However, this bill will only last until February 8th unless the majority party leaders come to another agreement.

What a government shutdown means is all government programs deemed unessential will stop and all employees will not come to work or get paid during this time. Eighteen government shutdowns have occurred in modern history. The last government shutdown was five years ago in 2013 and totaled almost 40% of federal (nonmilitary) employees.

The reason the government had to shut down in the first place was that Congress failed to pass a funding law before the last one expired. Part of this can be contributed by the fact that Democrats and Republicans disagreements between immigrants had reached a breaking point. Demarcates have firmly sided with DACA DREAMers and plan to withhold government funding until Republicans are willing to make a deal.

The government shut down affected the pay of all troops within the military, services that required staffing and maintenance in national parks were also affected. There ways Delays in closing when buying a home and filling for taxes was affected as the IRS was shut down. Betsy DeVos, Secretary of Education, explains that is it was to last longer than a week, school districts colleges and universities would face problems with the cash flow to support their services. Luckily that crisis was averted, and all effects of the shut down lasted only three days.

As February 8th approaches, all talk of the Government shut down has simmered. It seems to leave one question that silently runs through the heads of the nations. Before another shutdown surfaces, what is the compromised solution?