English Language Programs


Erin Yaney, Staff Writer

English Language (EL) programs are widely accepted and a popular method for the learning of the English language. According to the Public Policy Institute of California, “Nearly 25 percent (or 1.4 million) of the students in California’s public schools are English Learners.” Claudio Sanchez states that the most popular native language in these programs in California is Spanish. However, Spanish isn’t the only language these programs specialize in. According to the American Youth Policy Forum in 2009, “ELLs in the United States are a diverse group who speak hundreds of different languages from many parts of the world; they differ in ethnicity, culture, educational background, and socioeconomic status.” Speaking English is vital for most Americans, and EL programs assist students in overcoming language barriers.

English Language programs have several benefits for the students and the atmosphere around them. Communicating is the most important part of schooling and “the main benefit a person gains when committing to learning English or any language is the ability to communicate with the language itself and create connections with a wider range of the world’s population”, according to Reading Horizons. Another benefit of these programs is that they normalize English not being the first language. There is a very harmful stigma around non-English speakers, which mostly stem from racism and stereotypes. EL programs expose students to other languages and cultures, ultimately making them more accepting of other students.

The English Language Program is a vital part of school for many students learning English, and that includes us here at Santiago High School. These programs help sculpt students and American society to be more accepting, as well as making connections and increasing an understanding of language.