Your Upcoming ASB Leaders


Peyton Waddell, Shark Story Editor

After the eventful couple of weeks filled with campaigning and putting in your votes. The votes have been counted and we now know who we have selected to represent the student body to the rest of the school. As President of ASB, the winner is Natalie Ambler (11) and her Vice President is Nick Lewis (11). The upcoming Secretary is Maddy Park (11) and our Treasurer will be Carson Chambers (9). They were each asked the same four questions to help the rest of the student body know more about what our new leaders have to offer and what they plan to do to better improve Santiago.

Why did you run?”

“I ran for ASB president because I wanted to make a difference in the school and I felt like I could bring a lot more spirit.” -Natalie Ambler (11)

“I ran for office because I want to make a bigger impact on the school than I did for rallies this year and I want to help the rest of the ASB class get everything they need to do done and make it a great year.” -Nick Lewis (11)

“I wanted to make a difference in the school and I wanted to be a part of a group that has such a big influence on what the school does and just the culture of the school, and I wanted to be a part of that and I feel like the best way to do that is to be in ASB or be in leadership helps me with that.” -Maddy Park (11)

“I ran for ASB treasurer because I want to help handle the school’s money better. I want to ensure that all the school purchases are used for things that aren’t going to benefit certain areas of the school but will benefit the school as a whole.” -Carson Chambers (9)

“What do you plan on doing in office?”

In-office there are a couple of things I wanted to do, I want to make our rallies a bigger scale and I want to try and bring them back inside next year… We need to do more things like Powerpuff that are ‘high school’ things… and I want to move us towards a greater scale of events.” -Natalie Ambler (11)

“I plan on helping the entire class since it’ll be my fourth year in ASB, I’m pretty experienced and I want to help everybody make all of our events even better than they were this year. And I definitely want to move rallies inside.”   -Nick Lewis (11)

“Hopefully in doing more activities because after COVID we’re all in a slump but I hope to bring back the school spirit and be able to contribute to the new school culture. Just do more events and incorporate lesser-known activities on campus into bigger events and acknowledge their work and what they’ve done.” -Maddy Park (11)

“In-office I am going to make sure the purchases we make are wise and that we invest in things like refilling water stations and things like that are going to help just increase the school benefit.” -Carson Chambers (9)

“What inspired your campaign strategy?”

“My strategy was the slogan I came up with ‘don’t be a gambler vote for Ambler’ and I picked the first thing that rhymed with my name, and I thought that’s good, that has a ring to it. I picked bright green for my campaign stuff because it stands out.” -Natalie Ambler (11)

“I rhymed my name like I did my campaign sophomore year, I really enjoyed that and I just tried to talk to as many people as I could.” -Nick Lewis (11)

“Just trends and keeping up with trends, like Olivia Rodrigo, Diary of a Wimpy Kid, I tried to do different themes that could appeal to different demographics, like people who like Avengers and people who read Diary of a Wimpy Kid when they were younger.” -Maddy Park (11)

“Probably my older brother he helped me on what high schoolers like to do and what would grab their attention.” -Carson Chambers (9)


“Who helped you run?”

“My mom, she came and helped me set everything out, and my family, my cousins came and helped me too.” -Natalie Ambler (11)

“A couple of my friends helped me, my mom helped me a lot, and a couple of guys on the baseball team helped me campaign.” -Nick Lewis (11)

“Just my friends.” -Maddy Park (11)

“My mom definitely helped me run and she put in the time to drive me to school early in the morning so I could get everything done.” -Carson Chambers (9)