A 36-year-old Texas mother, named Ashley Trevino, faces mounting criticism over her TikTok presence with several allegations of child endangerment and inappropriate social media exposure of her children. TikToker Ash Trevino goes on live for money and often exposes her daughters to the dangers of social media. Ashley has two minor daughters, Hailey and Evie. At the moment, Ash’s children live with their grandparents but often stay over at Ashley’s apartment, where Ash often overshares details about her daughters and more so puts them in harmful situations, which leads Nedizens to call her the worst mom ever.
Netizens know Ash Trevino has a sister named Brielle on TikTok. On her page, Brielle sometimes talks about Ash, stating that the kids don’t live with their mother because Ash has 26 pending CPS cases. She also tells her sister that she teaches her children slurs and is not ashamed of it. Ash moves into a new apartment but doesn’t move in with her kids, although they do visit. They have their room but share an air mattress, which they have had for months. Ash says she’s been trying to surprise them with an actual bed frame and mattress for Christmas of 2024, but she doesn’t know what kind of bed to get, which people see as her making excuses and stalling. While her kids still don’t have mattresses, she buys several luxury bags and clothes, but no actual beds for her children. At some point in time, Ash doxxes herself, and now people know where she lives and where her kids stay over. One day, her kids see someone watching the house, so one of the kids calls the cops. This is after Ash Trevino doxxed her apt. Ash Trevino is live when the police come over, and she’s focused on a TikTok live battle.
While Ash is liveduring a duet with someone, she tells them she pulled her daughter’s hair when she was a child because she thought the baby daddy loved her daughter more than Ash herself. “she doesn’t hate me for that she doesn’t even remember that” Later states in the video (while doing her makeup – showing she doesn’t care and is irresponsible) she never abused her kid, pulling her hair was not abuse. She said that her kid tried running away at the time, and she stopped her by pulling her hair. On a live feed, we see broken glass. Ash said she and her daughter got into a fight; she says she didn’t hit her kid, but her daughter threw a chair at her, and she threw her phone back (the phone broke the window). This shows she gets into physical fights with her kid.
Ash Trevino dates inmates and calls them on live; this is how she started gaining fame. While she was dating a man named Jessee, they talked, and he said he wanted to see his children, and Ash got mad (presumably jealous). Later, she dates Francisco, who has a wife who is also in prison. He was sent to jail for the murder of 2 teenage girls. This is weird because Ash has two teenage girls of her own, but instead of being scared, she goes on live and calls him innocent, saying it wasn’t his fault, although there is evidence he murdered them.
Ash also dated a 19-year-old named Santos when she was 35. Santos isn’t only a few years older than both his daughters. Santos did not go to jail but has domestic violence allegations. Ash has confirmed they’ve had sexual interactions in a video where she says he has seen his “pipi” and he saw her “nunu” video. She also talks about writing letters to Chris Watts, a man who is in jail after he killed his wife and kids. Again, she has kids of her own, both are minors, but she isn’t worried. Also, Ash often goes live with underage teens and condones them drinking, setting a bad influence on her daughters, who can see these lives.
Ash takes her kids to her “tia’s” house one day. It was not her or her children’s aunt; it was a woman she knew from life but had never met in person. To her children, she is a total stranger. Ash leaves her children at Tia’s house so she can have a drink at a bar. When she comes back, she goes on live with the tia. During the live, the Tias ex broke into her house. Ash has again exposed her children to a dangerous situation where they could get seriously hurt. Ash does not end her life; instead, she calls the cops and gives them Tia’s address. Now, people watching the live feed know where Tia lives and where her children live (exact time and location). After the incident, Ash stays at an Airbnb with her daughters but kicks them out because she wants to spend time with her boyfriend, Santos.
Things that have happened while live:
On one live, one of Ash’s daughters says, “My nose looks so cute,” but Ash disagrees and tells her daughter she needs plastic surgery. She also got jealous when she got 500k followers instead of being proud of her, even if she shouldn’t be exposed to social media. If Ash exposes her children to dangers on social media, she should not be upset when they use those same platforms. Another time, Ash called her boyfriend, and he asked to come over. She replies, “Yeah, just don’t take advantage of my daughter,” and laughs. In another life, we see Ash vaping and lending the device to her daughter for her to use. Another time, one of Ash’s daughters got burned and asked someone what to do, someone told her to take her to the hospital and Ash replied “but then I have to get an Uber” and complained “But I have to wake up early tomorrow” This goes to show that she doesn’t care about her daughters well being but makes it seem like she does. She has said that she doesn’t even see them as her kids because she does not see the point in caring for them. Instead, she says she sees them like sisters.
Ash Trevino is unarguably not the best mother. She has exposed her kids to a large social media following without taking precautions, showing their faces in several live videos and exposing their exact location several times, potentially putting them in harm’s way. Ashley Trevino should not allow her children to see her videos with the kind of content she posts and talks about in her life; she can do what she wants without having her underage children watch her.