May 1 is rapidly approaching and with it approaches the Submission of Intent to Register (SIR) deadline for the majority of California Universities.
This fact may no longer worry AVID seniors, since 120 out of the 122 AVID seniors have been accepted to a four-year college or university. 27% of AVID seniors have been accepted to a UC University, 80.32% were accepted to a California State University . 56.55% were also accepted to out-of-state or private university.
These acceptance rates can be attributed to the fact that 94.2% of AVID seniors took at least three or more AP, honors or duel credit courses throughout their high school career.
87% of AVID seniors enrolled completed at least three years of AVID. The average attendance rate for the 2012-2013 school year was 96%, which is higher than the overall school average of 94% in the same year.
99.1% of AVID seniors took an SAT or ACT test during their senior year, with 100% having taken the SAT or ACT at least once before or during their senior year.
With the deadline for SIR a mere few days away, the impressive college acceptance rates for this year’s AVID seniors provides a bright outlook for the futures of AVID and its seniors.