Shark Story: Skylar and Bayley Lehman


Sawyer Long and Aneesia Dejurnett

Skylar (9) and Bayley (12) Lehman have had the amazing opportunity this year to be on the Santiago Dance team together. They have both been dancing their whole lives and are not only sisters but best friends. Skylar is just starting here at Santiago while Bayley is enjoying her last year. Both Lehman sisters are thrilled to have this special year on the dance team together. They always have each other’s back and are looking forward to what the year holds for the dance team.

Bayley’s Interview:

How long have you been dancing?

“I have been dancing since I was three, so, fourteen years.”

How did you get involved with dance?

“My mom took me to a dance studio because I didn’t like t-ball or soccer. She figured that I should be in dance.”

What motivates you to keep dancing every day?

“I see people who don’t get the chance to dance anymore and it pushes me because I have this wonderful opportunity to do it and do what I love everyday. Even though I can’t do somethings some days because of injuries or other things I have to do, I just remember that I get to do it for a life time.”

What do you expect from the dance team this year?

“I think that we are going to do big things this year. We have an amazing team and, amazing captains and a wonderful coach. He pushes us everyday he gives us all these corrections, and does so much stuff for us. I think we are going to be very successful and hopefully get a lot of wins, defeat or national championship title and get it again. Hopefully get more awards with that.”

How do you feel about Skylar being on the dance team as a freshman?

“I honestly love it. We are best friends. We get to do what we love together and she gives me so much joy. I love watching her dance so, it is really fun!”

Skylar’s Interview-

What got you started dancing?

“Nothing else worked out for me. I’m not very sporty, and I liked to dance. My mom noticed it, so she put me in a dance class.”

What motivates you to keep dancing?

“It’s something you can always get better at and you can never stop being good I guess you can say, It’s something you can always improve.”

What are your expectations for the dance team this year?

“To have a strong bond and, hopefully, come home with a championship.”

Do you like having Bayley on the team?

“I love having her on my team, she’s awesome, and she helps me through everything, I know I always have someone to talk to.”

Are you sad she’s leaving?

“Extremely sad, I won’t have her next year.”

Do you plan on continuing the dance team?

“Yeah, definitely.”