Haitian’s Survival After Hurricane Matthew


Ella Mago, Reporter

Hurricane Matthew was a brutal natural disaster that ferociously destroyed millions of Haitians’ homes. Time Magazine has reported 470 plus deaths in the small, Caribbean country. The people of Lacadonie, a main city in Haiti, have remained bunched up in caves since their homes were blown away by Hurricane Matthew.

Upon the caves, the Haitians light fires for warmth and sleep on a pile of stacked up rocks. Officials in Beaumont, another city of Haiti, have stated that there are currently six known caves that are sheltering over five hundred fifty people. Alexis Faveur, the mayor of Beaumont, explained, “the only place they seek shelter is the cave… there are no more houses” in Haiti where the hurricane struck. Destine Jean is one of the villagers who now looks at the cave for shelter, and she states, “It is our house that God created when we most needed it”. The citizens are now thankful for the shelter they are given after the brutal hurricane attack.

The Haitians will continue to huddle together in caves for shelter for an undetermined amount of time.