Why Sanctuary Cities are in Risk of Losing Federal Funding


Andrew Castellano, Staff Writer

Sanctuary cities like Los Angeles and Boston could lose their funding to maintain the stability of their city. President Trump’s new executive order has ordered to pull funding from sanctuary cities. Sanctuary cities are cities who refuse to comply with federal detention requests from U.S Immigration and Customs Enforcement. States like California and New York seem to lose the most funding from this. California is losing as much as $239.5 million and New York $191.1 million. This executive order will pull The Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant which helps states pay for criminal justice needs a the U.S. Economic Development Administration grant which helps with job creation and public works, The State Criminal Alien Assistance Program which reimburses the cost for detaining immigrants, The Community Development Block Grant program which helps with the building of houses, infrastructure, and businesses, and finally The Office of Community Oriented Policing Services which helps pay law enforcement. The removal of all of these would cripple a city and cause anarchy. That’s the goal of this executive order: to wait until the states get rid of their sanctuary cities and come running back begging for their funding back or they get rid of their sanctuary cities in fear of losing funding like Florida did. In the eyes of the liberals, it is not American to deport illegal immigrants and that they are being patriots protecting illegal immigrants except that is the complete opposite: it is simply insubordination.  They are given an order by the President that they are not following. If we keep letting this happen, what happened to France and Germany could happen to us where our citizens are being terrorized by these illegal immigrants.