Prom 2017


Taylor, Sanfillippo

Prom- an event that is emphasized in high school movies and characterized as ” the night of your life”. Personally, I am a freshman and did not attend, but I was told by numerous amounts of people it either did not meet their expectations or exceeded it. Prom 2017 was held at the Aquarium of the Pacific in Long Beach. I conducted an interview with a few upper-classmen that had the opportunity to attend.

Shark Attack: Did prom exceed your expectations or did it fall short?

Lena Mousa (12) : ” I wasn’t expecting anything huge, I was just hoping it would be fun, and it was!”

Gwendolyn Grass (12) : “I thought it was what we expected and it was fun to attend our last high school dance.”

Kayla Nicassio (11) : ” I feel like it fell short a little bit because inside the dancing was super compact, but outside they had a slow dancing area that I found to enjoy more. the only problem was the huge crowd of people that attended. But other than that it was super interactive and I had a good time.”

Shark Attack: Did the theme affect your feelings towards Prom?

Mousa (12) :  “Oh yeah! I was totally happy about it! I love fish.”

Grass (12) : ” Not really. It made me feel lost at sea because of all the animals.”

Nicassio (11) : ” I feel like the theme was unique. There were a lot of places you could walk through to see the fish. It made me really excited before hand and made it really enjoyable.”

After conducting this interview I realized that I wasn’t able to get everybody’s opinion but from what I was told prom was a pretty good way for people to unwind, relax, and have some fun before they head off to college or take finals.