Land of the Repressed, Home of the Cowardly

Land of the Repressed, Home of the Cowardly

Kaitlyn Glass, Editor in Chief

Torchlight overpowering the sunlight, one arm extended into the sky… surrounded by police caution tape? According to Charlottesville, Virginia and white supremacists, this is considered free speech. To everyone else in a America and so it seems, throughout every country, this is terrorism. These supremacists were joined by Neo-Nazis and Ku Klux Klan members all united together for the same cause: racism. Americans are outraged at President Trump’s response to the Charlottesville rallies that took place Saturday, August 13, 2017. He conveyed to the public that there are multiple sides to this modern civil war when there really are only white supremacists and Americans.

Everyone is blaming President Trump for the recent rise in race crimes throughout America and most definitely for this most recent tragedy. Listening to Trump’s comments and dismisses on the matter, it would seem that he sides with those of which were practicing their “First Amendment right”. But, God forbid that any Black Lives Matter or “alt-left” rally is insulting and violent. Violence is someone who has enough hatred for a singled out person to want to assault them and sometimes murder that person or group. People seem to forget this fact. Sure, both sides have done their wrongs, but this is a new low that no one thought this country could come to.

The Charlottesville riots were physically peaceful until James Alex Fields, Jr. drove his car into the crowd of rights protesters (yes, the same ones who in the past have been considered by Trump and other Republicans as dangerous). He killed one woman and injured many others. Go ahead, look at these pictures and put them side to side with ones from images captured in the 60s and 70s…see a difference? For years, the American mentality has always been that one race is better than the other until you get those few people who believe everyone is the same and only want peace. Those few believers are punished while the white superiority believers are rewarded by the President and given the benefit of the doubt.

Whether these issues and violent protests are just now surfacing in the media because it is an easy target for Trump or they are just now surfacing because the recent change in leadership has them believing that they have this right, they need to stop. Everyone should be uniting against the important issues, the ones that concern everyone under one flag. Not united under white pointy hoods, not united with one arm extended into the air, not united in golfing clothes, but united under the American flag waving gracefully in the sky.