Music Through the Ages


Scar Rodriguez, Staff Writer

Since the dawn of time, music has been a part of our history as a world and it is something that brings us all together no matter who we are. Some of the earliest types and sounds of music were drum-like with rocks and sticks. These were believed to have been used in religious ceremonies to represent animals as stated in “History of Music” by Benjamin Hollis. All throughout the centuries, music has changed and evolved with major influence from the Egyptians, the Chinese, and the Greeks. Various other cultures have contributed to the evolution of music by creating instruments and some empires even established schools for the study of music.

Some of the most significant changes in the history of music are apparent in our new styles today in comparison to the music from the past. We began with simply using vocal cords and traditional instruments to relying on new technologies to do the work of creating the desired sounds for us. People think this new style of rap music is upbeat and makes the listener want to dance. However, I can barely understand a word the rapper says anymore and I believe a lot of people can relate with me when I admit I cannot decipher the words of the artist. On the other hand, I do agree some songs are meant to be more exciting, but I believe music would be a lot more enjoyable for the majority of people if they were able to understand what they are singing along to and what the artist is trying to convey without having to slow the music down to understand a word being sung.

Maybe this is just me. I would love to be able to sing along to the music I listen to and know what the words mean. Once I understand the lyrics and completely realize the message the artist is trying to pass on, then I will listen to the song as a whole and learn to love the beat and how the artist chose everything for their own specific reason. I do not want to bash on anyone’s music because I love all genres, but when it comes to lil Wayne, I cannot understand a word he says. All of his words melt into one another and it is difficult to understand it without going on YouTube and looking up the lyrics to finally understand them. I simply don’t have the time for that and neither does anyone else.  Even Kendrick Lamar’s “Loyalty” featuring Rihanna, which I admit is a decent song, sometimes has jumbled words and it becomes hard for me and I imagine others to sing along and truly lose themselves in the music.

Music is constantly changing and some songs like “No Diggity” by Black Street are ever-lasting while other songs like “Rude” by  Magic only have popularity for a year. The bottom line is – music is music so just enjoy it.