Cole Mago, staff writer
Cole Mago (12), a current senior, at Santiago High School aspires to dive deeper into journalism in his college years. Even though he has not been an avid reader or writer for most of his life, he has recently found a new interest for both after picking up a book for the first time in years during quarantine. Over the course of his quarantined jail time, he discovered, like many others, a lot about himself. He found a once laughable interest, to his younger self, in reading. This borderline addiction ran his wallet dry. So, to foster his newfound passion he found a job after months of searching at a pizza restaurant. In the past, his imagination has run wild, but in recent years it has lain dormant for numerous reasons, but with these years to come, he hopes to thaw out his ideas and stand out like he’s always wanted to. You may reach him at [email protected]