

Cole Mago, Staff Writer

Deadlines and due dates can be two very intimidating words to many people, myself included, but to a certain 20% of people, they can be horrifying. To this 20 percent, procrastination can seep into every aspect of their lives; it can infect everything they want to do. Procrastination can really start to dictate your life by making you put off more than just doing your work. It can trick you into thinking that you have all the time in the world when in reality, that paper that was due yesterday was due a week ago, the person you wanted to ask to prom has already gotten a date, or that little cut you got becomes infected because you put off seeing a doctor. And then you say to yourself: “I’ll do it next time,” but you know this is the farthest thing from the truth there is. 

This behavior might seem like it’s a part of you that can never be rid of, you may think that this chronic procrastination of yours is just that, chronic. And we all know that chronic means long-term and incurable, right? Wrong. There are plenty of mental tricks, tips, and mantras that can bring you into remission, just to put me in your shoes, I “intentionally” am writing this a day before my very own deadline. So, coming from a fellow procrastinator, here are a few things that can help us stop putting everything off to the last second possible:


  • Set your own deadlines

Setting deadlines for yourself can be more effective than an actual deadline you have for school or work. Setting a deadline for yourself and saying if you don’t finish this, then you can’t do that. These deadlines should not be the same day or even days close to the actual due date. I know this has been effective for me, even though I don’t use it to its full potential.

  • Eliminate ALL distractions

This is easier said than done, but it is effective from personal experience. Elimination means everything besides what you need to complete the task at hand. What I have found helpful is to give myself an hour of uninterrupted work time. That is sixty whole minutes you have to work or think or just be productive in anything you are trying to accomplish.  

  • Break it off in chunks

We all need a recommended two thousand calories a day, but we don’t eat it all in one sitting. That is why chunking your task can be effective. If it is an essay— or article you need to get done, try to work for one uninterrupted hour and then take a break. This will increase your focus and refresh your mind.

  • Treat yourself

If you have been following this advice, then you deserve a reward. Working for so long is tiring, and focusing for more than usual can be straining. Consider treating yourself in whatever way you see fit. Be it chocolate or a brisk walk, just something to incentivize yourself to continue to work.

  • Discover what works for you

In the end, none of these things may work for you. Some of these things might even be counterproductive. That is why it is important to find out what works for you. Experiment with different tips and tricks. Discover what is the best way to be productive for you.