Freshman Fears

Christina Ayoub, Staff Writer

Starting the school year at a new school has always been challenging. Coming into high school as a new freshman, while an exciting experience, can also be intimidating. I know that many people have had their fears are coming into their freshman year of school, whether academically, socially, or by any means. Knowing that other freshmen feel the same way and face the same challenges can be comforting, and it is beneficial to learn how they’ve worked through them. I’ve asked some of the freshmen on our campus to share what they are afraid of in their first year of high school, why, and what they did to overcome it. The social and academic challenges that Freshmen face are so crucial and they all wish that they were given tips on how to conquer them. The class of 2026’s freshmen fears…


Interview 1: Christopher Zepeda (9)

Christopher’s fear for his freshman year was simply about starting the year off. This was because he wanted to be sure he was starting the year correctly. He wanted to ensure that from the beginning of the year he properly managed his school work and his attention to the football team. “I wanted to make sure that no matter how busy I got, I still got everything done and stayed organized” (Zepeda). He also wanted to make sure that was able to start and continue his high school experience appropriately. Christopher overcame and continues to overcome this concern by staying on time and continually staying organized at home, school, and sports. 

Interview 2: Eden Ferdous (9)

She explained the fear of not making High School as memorable as it can be because of the four years rapidly going by, and she regrets not properly getting involved. “Tomorrow’s club rush so I’m definitely gonna check out some of those clubs” (Ferdaous). Eden plans to continue overcoming this fear by, as mentioned, attending and participating in as many school events as possible, and trying out for the Santiago High School Cheer Team in her sophomore year.


There are many things that can make the student’s first year of high school challenging and frightening. But as you continue to see how each student is actively striving to vanquish these fears and worries, they were able to list multiple ways how they are, and are planning to work through and overpower these fears and concerns not only in their freshman year but throughout their high school experience. As these students continue their freshman year, they will acknowledge how their fear was transformed into a learning opportunity within their high school experience.