Repeal The 19th


Lena Mousa, Staff Writer

With the election coming to an end, the tension between supporters has increased tremendously. During the October 9th and 19th presidential debates, the two candidates, Donald Trump and Hilary Clinton, continued to share their beliefs, except these debates mostly centered on the political views of women.

Many people began believing that Donald Trump held no respect for women, despite people commenting that he had in fact said so during one of the debates. Clinton immediately stepped in and used Trump’s alleged hypocrisy in order to gain support.

At the October 9th debate, viewers began wondering how the polls would exponentially turn out had they only had specific genders vote.

According to the hypothetical polls taken on, women leaned more towards Clinton while Trump gathered the majority of men.

This turned out to be a drastic clash between Trump and Clinton supporters.

Many Trump supporters quickly took to social media, expressing their outrage that most women believed Trump was in no way fit to be president and quite surprisingly argued to repeal the 19th amendment, to secure Donald Trump’s victory.

One female user stated,

#repealthe19th I would gladly waive my right to vote to solidify the win! #TrumpPence2016

The following days after the October 9th debate, social media sites were flooded with consecutive arguments between both sides. Many democratic women explained that girls fought long and hard back during the early 1900’s, in order to gain the right to vote, which so happens to be the 19th amendment in the U.S Constitution.

Luckily for them, amendments must go through an extensive process involving the Senate and the Court, before it could actually be considered problematic. The Judicial Review has made no comment, but because of the massive backup for the 19th amendment, it’s certain the right to vote will remain equal for all U.S citizens.