FBI Reopens Case On Hillary Clinton


Andrew Castellano, Staff Writer

Roughly 11 days before the election, FBI Director Comey reopened the case on Hillary Clinton’s missing emails and private server. When he was closing the case sometime before, he stated that he would only reopen the case if he had found anything of significance. For him to reopen the case 11 days before the election it would have to be of the utmost importance. This made quite a few people angry – questioning whether what he was doing was legal or why Hillary Clinton would even be angry about it if nothing truly illegal occurred. The case against Hillary Clinton involves her missing emails sent from her private server and the classified information sent to people without proper clearance during her term as Secretary of State. The FBI claims to have found thousands of missing emails containing classified information. Hillary Clinton claims to have not sent classified information which was found to have been sent from her private server. All of this she claims not to have done meaning she has potentially lied under oath.

The reopening of the case on Hillary Clinton is due to the fact that they had found more missing emails and evidence that when disgraced Congressmen Anthony D. Weiner, former husband of Hillary Clinton’s top Aide Huma Abedin, was found to have been sending sexually explicit emails to an underage girl, the messages were being sent from her private server. Although there was newfound evidence against her, the FBI closed the case.