Arrowverse Crossover Event


Lena Mousa, Staff Writer


Possibly known as the largest crossover in television history, including a total of 4 shows over 4 nights, the Arrowverse, as fans would like to call it, has entertained millions of viewers.

Last week, The CW released four amazingly plotted shows all connecting and correlating around the very world of DC.

Kicking off with Supergirl on Monday, November 28th, the plot centers around Kara Danvers (Melissa Benoist), as she normally deals with government plans and the police to stop whatever threat is coming her way. Towards the end of the episode, Barry Allen (Grant Gustin) from “The Flash” suddenly appears from a time wormhole asking Kara to help him out on his planet. (Note that DC focuses around a multiverse plotline, therefore, Supergirl lives on a planet separate from The Flash, Arrow, and Legends)

Tuesday night, Melissa Benoist reprises her role as Kara Danvers on “The Flash”, assisting Barry Allen to take down aliens who plan on killing the human race. The show begins with Barry already introducing Kara to the stars of “Legends” and “Arrow”. The atmosphere is very tense however, as character Cisco Ramone continues to keep Barry at arm’s length, as he believes the death of his brother was caused because of Barry’s irresponsibility. The heroes team up and begin their mission, only to be mind controlled towards the end, with the exception of Flash and Green Arrow. The show ends with Barry running to save his friends from being abducted, but failing.

Wednesday night rolls in, and “Arrow” starts off with character Oliver Queen (Stephen Amell) walking in from a morning jog and greeting his soon to be wife, Laurel Lance, who bare in mind, was killed off in season 4. Oliver goes about his regular day, welcoming his mother and father to breakfast. His father was originally killed in the very first season of “Arrow”, kick starting Oliver to become the Green Arrow, while his mother was murdered in front of him and his sister, Thea, in the second season. Clearly, something has gone wrong with Oliver, and as he comes to that realization, he notices that not only was he the only one abducted, Thea Queen , Sara Lance, John Diggle and Ray Palmer were also abducted. The show finally ends, however, with the team breaking out of the trance world they were abducted into and making their way back to the rest of the team.

“Legends of Tomorrow” ends the crossover on Thursday night, revealing that Oliver and the rest made it back to base safely, but the Legends team realize that the aliens have a personal vendetta for meta-humans, and plan to go back in time via spaceship to capture one to gather intel. Once that plan seemingly fails, they surprisingly succeed at gathering enough info and report back to Barry Allen and Felicity Smoak, a tech genius, to create a weapon specified for the aliens, instead of surrendering the Flash like the aliens initially intended. With complications and trial and error, Felicity finalizes the weapon and the entire team goes face to face with the aliens in an epic battle, including Supergirl, Flash, Arrow, Speedy, Firestorm, The Atom, White Canary, Heatwave, Vixen and Spartan. The heroes triumph and win, sending the aliens back, concluding the most amazing crossover in the DC Universe for now.

Hopefully fans can see another crossover in the future with even more plotlines, but for now, fans can fully enjoy this Arrowverse special.