Dear Sharkie: What are some ways to deal with stress?


Sharkie, Staff Writer

Dear Sharkie,

What are some ways to deal with incredible amounts of stress?


Stressed Out Student


Dear Stressed Out Student,

You’re not alone in this.  Stress is everywhere and in everyone.  But, there are an abundance of ways to try and help you along and maybe relieve some of that stress. Some ways involve physical tactics including relaxation, while others are mainly mental and emotional exercises that could help you calm down enough to sort out your stressful situation. Some effective ways are:

Here are some effective ways to handle incredible amounts of stress:

  • Surround yourself with positive people who encourage you to be your best.  If you are happy, you’re more likely to be able to handle the stress in a positive and healthy light.
  • Eat healthier meals and exercise. It’s amazing how a little exercise can lower your blood pressure, which normally skyrockets when you are stressed out.  When you are healthier, you feel better about yourself and are more likely to be in a better mood – no matter what the situation.
  • Meditate to help calm your nerves/be at peace with yourself.  Check out the Chopra center for helpful tips!
  • Develop a better sleep schedule so you are prepared and rested.  This can include listening to White Noise music which can be easily found on Spotify, Pandora, and YouTube.
  • Use a planner to organize yourself and create a To-Do List to help you manage your commitments.  Often times we spend so much time trying to multi-task that we rarely make any progress because we cannot focus on one task at a time.
  • Read up and gain more knowledge on how to deal with your anxieties.  There’s no shame in seeking professional help.  If you have health insurance, you can make an appointment with a professional for little to no cost.
  • Lastly, and most important, if your stress becomes too much to handle to the point where none of these simple exercises could work, talk to an adult or professional right away.  Call (310) 855-HOPE or (800) TLC-TEEN (nationwide toll-free) from 6 pm to 10 pm PST.