Shark Story: Dylan Carmona- Got Skills (USA)?


Dylan Carmona (11) aspires to work in the architecture field, although personally wanting to have a family in which he can pass down his name. He is a part of Skills USA and has been involved with the architecture aspect of Santiago High School for three years. His life has been full of fortune, driven by hard work and determination. If you want to find out more, check out the full interview below:


What are your aspirations in life?

“A professional goal I have is being something in the architecture field, meanwhile my personal goals are to have a family where my name can be carried down. I really want a boy, because of that, but if I have a girl, I won’t be too upset.”

In regards to a competition he was in called Skills USA:

How did you hear about Skills USA?

“Freshman year, during my intro to architecture class, but I never joined until junior year”

Why didn’t you join until junior year?

“Because I felt that the competition was too hard, even though I realized now that I could have done it the entire time freshman year”

What made you decide to join Skills USA this year?

“Peer pressure.”

By who?

“By everyone in the class, except Kyle [Irwin (12)]”

Who is Kyle?

“Kyle Irwin, my interviewer’s boyfriend and my friend”

What inspired you to do this exact plan (referring to the floor plan designed by Carmona and submitted to the Skills USA competition)?

“I wasn’t inspired, I was kind of told to do it”

But you did make decisions on it, right?

“Oh, yes, I did make decisions on it. I took the decisions, because I thought it was the cheapest way to get the project done, and in the end it’s always about what can be done the cheapest and most effectively.”

You received second place, correct?

“Yes, I did receive second place”

Why do you think that was?

“I made some minor mistakes on not reading the- not looking at the drawing correctly. I put the patio in the backyard rather than the front yard. I put the- uh, yeah, that was about my only mistake. Also the garage I put on the side of the house rather than the front of the house”

Does it anger you that you got second place?

“Well, I mean, I’m still moving on to state. It would have been nice to make it to first, but” Carmona shrugged.

What’s the process for moving on to state? Do you get a new plan or is it the same?

“They’ll give us a new plan the day of the competition. I will not know until the day of the competition, March- late march. That’s when the competition is in San Diego.”

Do you have a grudge against the first place winner?

“Absolutely not, I love Holden Fleck (12)”

How many people were you competing against?

“There were eight people”


I’ll cut the interview here, but if architecture and interior design interests you, see Mr. Brown in downstairs D for more information or comment below requesting a copy of the full interview with your email in the comment. Thank you for reading.