Santiago High School Homecoming 2021: Beauty and the Beast


Brynn Rose Schwichtenberg, News Editor

Guess what???  On October 2nd we are having a Homecoming Dance!!!!!!!!!! I know that most of you are very excited about this dance. Last year everyone got “robbed” because Covid-19 hit, schools got shut down, and schools went online. Most of the juniors and seniors didn’t get to have a Prom last year, nor a homecoming. Now that restrictions are loosening up, places are starting to open their doors. Be sure to buy your tickets!  If you bring a guest, Guest passes are Due on September 29th, 2021. Students with guest passes do not need to be CNUSD students, but they must be 20 or under. The theme of this dance is Beauty and the Beast! Homecoming is from 7 pm-11 pm on Saturday, October 2nd.  This dance will be an outdoor event. Students, make sure you follow the school’s dress code!

Click here for the video of the homecoming announcement.

On Friday, the 17th the dance was announced at the Homecoming Football game.  The stands were full of shark students and we watched our cheer, hip hop, and dance teams do a great job while the BOSS band and the Choir sang the national anthem and the Alma Mater.  We had an amazing half-time show to find out about our homecoming court.  Congratulations to King Jason Choe and Queen Lindsay Rasmussen and to the rest of the homecoming court. Homecoming is a great place to make friends, meet new people and socialize.  Homecoming is a great event so students can get out of the house and enjoy time with their friends.

September 27th-October 30th is HOMECOMING Spirit week in preparation for our homecoming dance.  The school is kicking off next week with a Beauty and the Beast-themed spirit week. 9/27/2021- No One as Quick as Gaston (workout wear) 9-28-2021 is Lumiere and Cogsworth (Dynamic Duo) 9-29-2021 is Nose stuck in a book (college wear) 9/30/2021 Tale as old as time (decades day) 10-1-2021 – The final Petal (Blackout Sharks) for HOMECOMING WEEK.

I wanted to interview Mrs. Samsom about this epic event.  Here are his responses!

Interviewer: How are you feeling about having homecoming this year?

Mr. Samson:  Super Excited!! I have definitely missed dances and other large events so this is a move hopefully back to some normalcy.  I am happy that we are able to offer this memorable high school event to our student body.

Interviewer: Are you ready for homecoming since everything that happened with Covid-19?

Mr. Samson: This is a completely outdoor dance so there is going to be ample space for students to spread out and feel comfortable.

Interviewer: Why do we have to wear flat shoes? Why no pointy heels?

Mr.Samson:  We’ve always had a no high heel policy for our homecoming dances.  The reason being is they damage the gymnasium floor and create divots in the floor that cause problems for our basketball and volleyball players. Even though we are outdoors this year we are continuing that policy because the field that we are using for the dance area is not level and so for safety reasons, we don’t want anyone ending up with a twisted ankle or worse. And the spiked-heel shoe policy is for anyone interested in heels, not just girls.

Interviewer:  What is the deal with masks for homecoming this year?

Mr. Samson:  The entire dance is outdoors in order to comply with CDC guidelines since it is outdoors, masks are not required for the dance.

Interviewer:  Thank you Mr. Samsn for your time!

So there you have it Sharks!  Get your tickets and let’s have fun!