Sharks Can’t Park


Savannah Sannes, Editor in Chief

An Instagram account is going all over school right now called “sharks_cant_park_pt2” also known as sharks can’t park. The original account was taken off of Instagram, but two anonymous people decided to revive it with a part two version that still encapsulates the hilarity of the old users. The account posts pictures of the worst parking jobs at the school (keeping it anonymous).

I interviewed the account and here is what they had to say:

What made you think of making this account?
“Sharks can’t park was originally made by another student but their account got taken down and we loved the idea so much we decided to make this account.”

Is there more than one person posting on the account?
“There are two people behind this account.”

How did you grow a strong following even for it being the second account?
“I think we grew a strong following because people loved the idea of this account as well!”

Why do you think sharks can’t park?
“High school parking lots are filled with inexperienced drivers… especially the sharks that just got their licenses and our lots clearly demonstrate that!

Will this account be passed on throughout the other years and do you wish for the page to continue?
“Yes we do hope for this account to continue because it spreads awareness to our sharks to try a little harder on their not-so-great parking jobs.”

What is your favorite part about this account?
“Our favorite part about this account is the students’ participation. So many people send us pictures of parking jobs they see in the parking lots.”

Are you a part of the sharks that can’t park?
“As of right now we are not a part of sharks can’t park. No one has submitted any pictures of either of our cars.”

Is there anything else you’d like us to know?
“We dislike fake accounts because of cyberbullying, however, the original shark’s cant park page brought so much laughter throughout our school and we wanted to continue that once the other account got taken down!”

Overall, this account is a positive and funny place for students to interact with other students.  Being able to laugh about some common mistakes always makes things fun and also prompts students not to park badly so they get on the page. Hopefully, this account will be carried on like the admin mentioned!