Every year around October, our advanced theater here at Santiago creates a show that showcases everyone’s talents. Most of the time, these shows are plays, such as last year’s Marian, but this year’s is SNL (Santiago Night Live). Each student in advanced theater wrote their skits over the summer and has been working tirelessly to bring this performance to life, and it shows! Throughout two hours, students will perform the skits written by everyone in ‘SNL’ style in a short scene that brings quick laughs.
There are many different skits, all from students with different experiences, meaning that there is a variety of jokes that cater to everyone’s sense of humor! All have their intricacies and cater to a specific audience, but all together, result in a hilarious show that is suited for many people with vastly different senses of humor.

I interviewed Brooke Maurer (12), the choreographer of this hilarious show. I asked her why people should come to see SNL, to which she responded, “People should come and see the show not only because of the hard work we put into it but because it will give everyone a good laugh during a stressful time of college applications, essay writing, and senioritis!!”
I also interviewed Ishmael Pontrelli (12), who “helped make costume lists” and helped the cast “know what to wear and which scene to wear the costumes in.” “A lot of hard work went into this entirely student-written show that is hilarious.” Ishmael believes that “it would be amazing to share that (the show SNL) with an audience.” So much work has been put into this show, and each student has given it their all!!
Madison Wilson (12) is a student in advanced theater who says her favorite part of the show is when she gets to sing and dance in the number a night to remember. (yes like the one from High School Musical)
Breanne Soto (12) said her favorite part of the show was “holding lines when the audience laughs because it is funny to freeze and just take it all in.”
Sarah Nightengale (11) thinks that people should come to watch and support the advanced theater class because “its something that’s new and its fun and its something that can give people a good laugh and something students will enjoy because students wrote it.” Sarah says her favorite part of making the show was “rehearsing with everyone and being part of such an incredible group of people filled with kind human beings who are just so talented and amazing.”

If you buy the tickets online at Santi.booktix.net, they are only $5, but if you purchase the tickets at the door, they are $8 with ASB or $10 without. SNL will only be open on 10/19 and 10/20, so see it this Thursday or Friday so you don’t miss out on this wonderfully hilarious show!! So much work has been put into this show by the advanced theater students and their teacher, Ms. Beyer, and showing up and supporting our school’s theater would mean the world to so many of these students!
Breanne Soto • Oct 23, 2023 at 11:25 am
Thanks for coming and supporting Santi theatre!
Samantha Epner • Oct 22, 2023 at 7:56 am
This was so good and funny that my friends were dying laughing.