Abigail Turley, Staff writer
Abigail Turley(9) is a Freshman at Santiago High School where she plans to try out for the school’s soccer team. She took all regular classes her first year just to make sure she passes but plans on taking all honors her sophomore year.
Abigail plays soccer for a nearby club called Future FC. She has loved soccer since she was begging her mom to sign her up at the age of 5. Because of soccer, Abby has learned to be patient with others, work hard towards her goals, and stay positive even in the worst situations.
When Abby isn’t practicing soccer, she likes to hang out with friends, shop, and bake with her mom. Abby’s mom has always been a significant role model in her life. Whether it’s helping her with her homework or just making time to spend with her. Her mom always finds a way to make it great. After high school, Abby wants to attend UCLA with a soccer scholarship. Apart from soccer, Abby would like to be a Language Arts teacher. She has always succeeded when it came to ELA and she wants to help others find that love for writing. You can reach her at 399945@students.cnusd.k12.ca.us