Santiago High School's Student News Site

Shark Attack

Santiago High School's Student News Site

Shark Attack

Santiago High School's Student News Site

Shark Attack

Magdalena Reutzel

Magdalena Reutzel, Staff Writer

 Magdalena Reutzel (9), or Maggie, is a current freshman at Santiago where her favorite subject is language arts. She is an honor roll student and hopes to write professionally when she is older. 

    Maggie has always taken an interest in writing, it just took a while to develop. In fourth grade, her poem won her a trophy in a Reflections contest, and from there her love just grew. In the summer between fourth grade and fifth, she came up with the idea for a book series, on that she has been working on ever since. 

   Quite the  environmentalist, she has done numerous things over the years to help out animals and the Earth. She held bake sales that raised money for non-profit animal sanctuaries and organized her own beach clean ups. Because she did not like the meat industry, she made the decision to go vegetarian. 

   Maggie believes that writing is going to pave the way to her future, and as such, is trying to get the first book in her series published in her freshman year. She is very academically inclined, and tries her hardest to get good grades, most of the time never dropping them below an A.

  When not writing, Maggie tends to make time for reading or watching her favorite T.V. shows. She is a big fan-girl and could talk for ages about shows that she likes. If she isn’t doing that, however, she is singing. She grew up to musicals, and as such, sings as often as she can to further her growth. She takes Latin-ballroom classes, and can walk better in heels than she does in regular shoes. 

 In the future, Maggie hopes to continue writing and finish her book series. She wants her books to be a safe-haven for people to get away, just as it was for her. If, in the future, writing is not enough to financially sustain herself, Maggie will look into the career of forensic science, as that is something she believes will not only be interesting, but will help people as well. 


All content by Magdalena Reutzel
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