No-Shave November

No-Shave November

Cassandra Abelar, Staff Writer

No-Shave November serves as a web-based, non-profit organization that promotes cancer awareness and raises funds to support cancer prevention, research, and education. The event has been a tradition for a while, but initially started in the fall of 2009 by the Chicagoland Hill family due to the loss of Matthew Hill, a father of eight children, to colon cancer in November of 2007, and served to raise money for charity.

No-Shave November is essentially a month-long journey where the people participating stop shaving and grooming in order to start up a conversation and promote cancer awareness. The goal of No-Shave November is to raise awareness by growing our hair out and embracing what cancer patients, unfortunately, can’t. Participants can donate money they would typically use to groom themselves so that others can be educated about cancer prevention, to save lives, and to aid those fighting the battle of cancer.   

One can get involved by growing a beard, a mustache, letting your legs grow naturally and canceling that waxing appointment. Put down the razor and set up your own No-Shave November fundraising page on The rules are to simply: let your hair grow out for just one month and donate your monthly grooming expenses to support cancer awareness. If you aren’t ready to get hairy, then support someone who is!

Another way to participate in No-Shave November is promote it all over your social media and even visit their website and download a flyer to pass around school or work. Other organizations that are partnering up with No-Shave November is American Cancer Society, Prevent Cancer Foundation, Fight Colorectal Cancer, and St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital; the donations will be distributed to these organizations.

Brands that are associated with No-Shave November include S’well Bottle, Detroit Grooming Co., Beercan Boards, Bowery Clothing, and AA Straight Razors, so feel free to purchase shirts or bracelets from these supportive brands of No-Shave November.