Senior Stress


Cassandra Abelar, Staff Writer

Students wait three years to finally reach their senior year only to discover the amount of stress and anxiety it brings. Senior year is made out to seem like the best year of your high school career but it is in fact the most stressful and challenging year to push through. First semester includes the rough drafts of multiple personal statements, letters of recommendations, and deadlines upon deadlines upon deadlines- not to mention the start of your final AP classes and the maintenance of an acceptable GPA for college applications.

Seniors start the “best year” of their high school career under loads of pressure and there’s no way out of it. Second semester only gets worse. The last 100 meters of the race concludes with the patient wait on your college acceptance letter, the anticipation for AP testing, and hundreds of dollars in desperate need of budgeting for senior activities.

Not only does school contain a lot of stress but life in general has its moments too! Sports take up a lot of time and are a big factor on the stresses in high school. Relationships can play a big part in stress as well. Some might be struggling with their family or the loss of a loved one and have to carry so much more on their shoulders outside of school. Senior year is tough especially when so many other factors contribute various amounts of stress.

Senior year does have its perks though and there’s a lot to look forward to such as Prom, Grad Night and of course Graduation! And who could forget your senior pictures, Senior Sunrise, Senior Dinner Dance, and your last Homecoming! There are so many more activities to list and so many things to experience your senior year; sadly it’s accompanied with lots of obstacles.