Brynn Schwichtenberg (12) is currently in her senior year of high school and has the goal of hopefully attending the University of Arizona. Her interest in writing developed when She was just a little girl in 5th grade. Why she developed writing well she would go through some things in life and whatever would happen she would get the urge to write. She used to be very shy and she would talk soft and stand completely straight with her friends not talking then when she developed writing it was her favorite thing to do because it felt like she was talking to someone but just on paper because she was always afraid of what people thought of her so she wouldn’t stick up for herself because how scared she was about speaking publicly so she found the next best thing was to write whatever she was feeling or thinking. When she would not get busy she enjoys playing softball, she has been playing softball since she was only 5 years old. She also enjoys being I her Afjrotc Air Force and doing drill team and color guard and honor guard for the afjrotc Air Force. The last thing she really enjoys is being in the choir she has been in choir since the 3rd grade when she also developed her love of singing because her fifth-grade teacher was the choir teacher so they would sing every morning class and now she has the most amazing choir director ever in high school. In the future she is hoping to continue her legacy in sports Medicine, she Aspires to pursue her dream and career in Sports Medicine because she has been playing softball all her life and she knows how it feels to break bones she really wants to help players heal so they can play again. You may reach her at [email protected]